The Russian version

Dear ladies and gentlemens!


The given page is devoted to our invention:

Which represents disk-shaped duple rotor-reciprocating engine with a rotating cylinder block (BI-ROTATIVE*) This is

essentially new scheme of transferring of energy gases of internal combustion into mechanical energy.

Nothing common with Vankel's rotor engine!!!


*The rotative engine - from the word "rotation", that means that the cylinder block rotates about the axis (shaft).

*The bi-rotative engine - the engine in which the energy of gases is transmitted to a cylinder block and on an axis (shaft), that means that the engine and an axis (shaft) rotate both.


The full version in a format .doc -839kb


The given scheme was tested by us! Its functionability and reliability, on the first test sample with a rotating cylinder block, in which impact loadings are considerably reduced on metal, was checked up.


The engine (bi-rotative) made under the new scheme, surpasses on power other analogs with a conventional system of assembly as a minimum in 2 times. The used scheme has allowed to avoid back-and-forth motion of pistons, that has considerably lowered shaft loads at the high speed of the engine and the friction of details is reduced by 50 %.


All this has allowed to increase sharply characteristics of the power installation (engine) and its capability, to increase efficiency, to lower metal consumption (power-to-weight ratio) in some times. Profitability is raised. The engine (bi-rotative) has a smooth course, a uniform torque. The consecutive order of ignition is


The construction of the power installation (of the engine) is simple in manufacturing, that allows to reduce the period of its creation and of the production manufacturing. The used scheme has allowed to depart from the traditional system of lubrication, as the rolling-contact bearings were used. The relation of weight to power, allows to reach it up to 0,3 - 0,2.


The lead preliminary engine (bi-rotative) tests have enabled to ascertain that fact, that the engine can be ideally used on a VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircraft.


By our engineers the demonstrator of the concept of a pilotless VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircraft was designed and made.


                                                Photo №1                                                                               Photo №2   


Constructional features of the bi-rotative engine allows to have two outputs for removal of power with a different direction of rotation.


Here in the bottom and from above the propellers are located. The existing bi-rotative engine allows to rotate two propellers in the different sides with identical angular rate that allows to design flight vehicles under the coaxial scheme, without application of the main reduction gearbox and a column. Due to it, the weight of a flight vehicle is essentially reduced and weight of a payload is increased.


The designed disk-shaped drive (bi-rotative), rotating in a plane, creates a high-power gyroscopic effect that allows to retain a flight vehicle in the given plane.


We have a capability to offer the concept of a VTOL (vertical take-off and the landing) aircraft, based on development by engineers of our firm. (the scheme №1, №2, №3, №4, №5)


The scheme №1

Unmanned aircraft

1. The disk-shaped bi-rotative engine

2. An engine mount

3. The upper propeller

4. The lower propeller

5. The telescopic rack

6. A carrier frame

7. Exhaust system


The scheme №2




The scheme №3


The scheme №4

Individual helicopter (bi-rotative)




The scheme №5

Aerocycle with bi-rotative engine


The disk-shaped drive (bi-rotative) designed by us allows, to design flight vehicles on a coaxial scheme without application of the main reduction gearbox and a column of rotors with very rigid, short enough blades hard-mounted on the bush.

                                                3D Image №1                                                                                               3D Image №2


The rotation of two diverse on an altitude propellers in the opposite sides and the sync of rotation is provided with the drive (bi-rotative). The engine installation on the basis of the created drive (bi-rotative) allows to dispose propellers in shaft , that essentially improves safety a flight vehicle and dilates sphere of its application


Flight vehicles created on the basis of the designed drive (bi-rotative) are very prime in manufacturing and rather not expensive.

The helicopter lay-out dual-rotor, coaxial. Selection of the scheme: without application of the main-rotor gearbox and a column it is justified by the following reasons:

Profitability. It is stipulated not only absence of losses on the main-rotor gearbox and the drive of a tail rotor, but also by higher efficiency of a system of two close located opposite rotating coaxial propellers. For the same reasons, the coaxial scheme supposes essentially the bigger loading per unit of power of an engine, or ensures the bigger thrust\weight ratio both static and dynamic ceilings at equal loading on power.

Maneuverability. It is caused by absence at fulfilment of accelerated turns of the limitations connected to hit of a tail rotor in a condition of a vortex ring and limitations, overlapped on a condition of strength of a tail boom. Besides the coaxial-rotor helicopter has smaller longitudinal and travelling moments of inertia in 1,5...2 times.

Leading dimensions. The coaxial scheme is more compact to diameter than rotors and on length.

Safety of flight. It is caused by activity of propellers in a ring (shaft) and the absence of a tail rotor with which, according to a statistician, the majority of flight incidents (breakage of a propeller and its drive, graze for an obstruction, hit of people in a rotating propeller on the land) is connected. On the safety of flight also (through fatigue of the pilot) the absence of the vibrations influences, that is the characteristic for coaxial-rotor helicopters with rigid propellers. Application of the scheme "a propeller in a ring" enables to equip flight vehicles with a parachute system of saving.

Quality of control. It is caused by an aerodynamic symmetry of the coaxial helicopter. Reaction torques from opposite rotating propellers are mutually counterbalanced. Gyroscopic torques of propellers are equal on value, are opposite directed and do not influence on a piloting. Behaviour of the helicopter during manoeuvring, as against the single-rotor, predicted and equal to the right and left sides. Cross couplings practically are absent. Intensive turns do not influence on the changing of the altitude and do not call changes of operational mode of the engine. All this makes control of the helicopter simple and unfatiguing even for pilots of mean and low qualification. Absence of the vibration by activity of rigid propellers improves operating conditions of the board avionics, stimulates a heightening of resource of a glider and other aggregates which longevity depends on the parameters of vibrations.

A noise level. Researches display; that exactly the coaxial scheme has the greatest perspectives of lowering of the level of a sound pressure that is connected to three factors. First, there is no such source of high-frequency acoustical noise as a tail rotor and the main-rotor gearbox. Second, the coaxial carrier system with rigid propellers as contrasted to an equivalent single carrier propeller rustles less. Thirdly, at a pine to the scheme there is a capability of lowering of a peripheral velocity of roter blades. Thus not only noise is essentially reduced, but also wave losses decrease at the flight on the extreme high speeds. Absence of the drive of a tail rotor and application of rigid propellers are capable to solve cardinally a problem of the noise of the helicopter and which most likely, will find application on the special noiseless machines. It will not demand of the special realization, enough labour-consuming researches.


The designed engine, allows to design flight vehicles from superlight (pilotless and remotely manned) up to light (from 1 - 6 person) with obtaining tall flying-engineering, economic and operating performances in view of demands of minimization of the time and financial expenditures of creation and start in the series production. Besides heightening of the flying -technical datas, our invention is directed on the cost reduction both on manufacture, and on maintenance, that will increase competitive strength of the given concept of a flight vehicle.


Thus, the disk-shaped rotor-piston, the two-cycle engine created on the basis of a new system of an energy transfer of gases in mechanical energy, has the following essential advantages:

- Metal consumption, as a minimum in a three times is reduced

- The absence of the vibration

- An easy running

- The uniform torque

- The simplicity of a construction:

р) The system of lubrication based on application of rolling-contact bearings

b) Application of the existing analogue, commercial machines of pistons and cylinders

c) The installation on the unit from 2 up to 12 cylinders, for the increasing of power does not demand from the desing changes

of the engine

d) At the increasing of power of an engine, the mass is augmented only by weight of the cylinder, the piston and the thruster

e) Absence of a flywheel; a cylinder block executes it


- Application of the rolling-contact bearings allows to lower coefficient of friction to a minimum and to increase the service life of a drive

- By the cause of rotation of a cylinder block and centrifugal forces, there is a stratification of a fuel-air charge in the cylinder and the displacement of an enriched charge in to the region of a spark plug, that ensures an effective work on lean fuel

- Structural features of a drive allow to achieve maximum power from the unit of the volume and minimum weight per one horsepower

- The capability cardinally to reduce a noise level

- The construction allows to have two power shafts and to ensure automatically synchronization of them, of the rotation in a different direction


The application of the disk-shaped rotor-piston, a two-cycle engine with the rotated cylinder block (bi-rotative) in the helicopter building industry, allows to design and manufacture easy flight vehicles under the coaxial scheme without application of the main-rotor gearbox, a column and the control propeller.


Such engine (bi-rotative) for a flight vehicle helps to resolve such problems as:

- Weight of a flight vehicle

- Simplicity and reliability of a construction of a flight vehicle, in connection with absence such difficult gears as the main-rotor gearbox, a column, a tail transmission and a propeller

- It is essentially reduced leading dimensions of a flight vehicle, determined from the diameter of rotors

- Compactness of a construction

- The capability completely solve the problem of a noise level

- Manoeuvrability of a flight vehicle

- Safety of a flight vehicle is reached by arrangement of propellers in part or completely in a guarded plane

- Quality and the simplicity of control

- The application of the scheme "a propeller in a ring" allows to equip flight vehicles with the parachute system of saving.


Now, the development of our firm have passed stage of licensing in Russia, on a engine the patent is obtainted, and on the power installation and its application the requests are sent in the patent department of Russia.


The firm "Global Energy Systems" addresses to you with the proposal to discuss the capability and the expediency of using of our perspective development in the field of an engine building and aircraft manufacturing with the further start in series production and its movement on the consumer market.


We invite You for cooperation.


Frequently asked questions.


1. To what type of the products your proposal is directed?


Our offer is directed to a manufacture of the engines of a new generation for the VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircrafts.


2. To what market your proposal is directed?


Our offer is directed to the market of light, super light and pilotless VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircrafts, and also to the other types of VTOL aircrafts .


3. What now exists in the market, and is similar to your proposal?



Now at the market exist basically light one-screw and super light aircrafts:

Manufacturers and developers:

1.    Elisport, ITALY, model: CH-7 Angel

2.    Revolution Helicopters, USA, model: Mini-500, Voyager-500

3.    Dragon Fly s.r.l., L, ITALY, model: Dragon Fly

4.    A-B Helicopters, USA, model: A/W 95

5.    JAG Helicopters Group (Rinke Aerospace), USA, model: JAG

6.    Eagle R&D, USA, model: Helicycle

7.    Canadian Home Rotors Int., CANADA, model: Safari

8.    Rotorway International, USA, model: Exec 162F

9.    Robinson Helicopter Company, USA, model: ROBINSON R44, R22

10.Eurocopter, France - Germany, model: "Calibri"

11.Novacopter Inc. Ltd, England, model: Schweizer 300C, 300CB

These manufacturers are developing and manufacturing one-screw aircrafts, and only such manufacturers as:

1.    Kamov, Russia, model: Ka-26, Ka-32

2.    Eagle's perch Inc, USA, model: Nolan 51-HJ

are engaged in the development and manufacturing of the twin-propeller aircrafts with the coaxial scheme which are a partial similarity of our invention.



4. How your proposal is better than something, what now exists?



Our offer to cooperation on development and creation of aircrafts on the basis of power installation located between screws the engine, what allows to refuse from the application of such difficult units and parts as:

1.    The main reducer

2.    Column

3.    Automatic devices of skewing and of the tail propeller.

According to this the reliability and the payload of the aircraft increases.


5. Please provide a list of all applications, patents, recordings, etc. touching protection of any intellectual property covering your proposal. Please, describe type of protection (the patent, the design, etc.), the production numbers, specify, whether is all this on viewing, or it has been authorized, and the country of recording?



It is applied in:

1.    Pilotless VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircrafts.

2.    Super easy VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircrafts.

3.    Easy VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) aircrafts.

4.    Flying VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) platforms.

And also it can be used as the engine in different types machines, especially in vehicles.

Type of protection:

1.    The patent "The rotor-reciprocating internal-combustion engine with air cooling" № 2151313 from the 01.10.1999, Russia.

2.    The application for the reception of the patent "The helicopter of the coaxial scheme with an arrangement of the engine between screws" № 2005113204 from the 03.05.2005, Russia.


6. Do you want to present the proposal from you? Define yours degree of participation and/or do you want us to sell to you the proposal, and etc.?



We assume the sale of the given invention and the further joint participation in its improvement with the rendering of the technical, consulting and any other help, with the promotion of finished articles in various regions of the world.

Also we shall consider the proposals about possible creation of joint design office for adaptation and starting of the series production of the given engine (bi-rotative).



Yours faithfully,

                                Deputy of General Director V. Tchernov

                                Chief designer A. Anishchenko





The full version in a format .doc -839kb


Videoа material is in the "QuickTime Movie"а format

The Player you can download here:     -14,5 Mb

Or VLC player from here:     -20,1 Mb


Links to download Videos:


Videoclip №1 - Rise -    - 2,11 Mb

Videoclip №2 - The second propeller -    - 4,95 Mb

Videoclip №3 - The first sample -    - 2,57 Mb

Videoclip №4 - Work -    -1,49 Mb

Videoclip №5 - Stop -    -1,77 Mb

Videoclip №6 - 3D bi-rotative engine -   - 667 Kb



Our contacts:


Global Energy Systems Ltd.




Deputy of General Director Tel: +7 985 150 05 30

General Designer Tel: +7 928 314 01 73


The Russian version

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